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Monday, October 4, 2010

Weekend Glimpse

A marvelous success for the Alice show opening! We had a great crowd and a lot of fun. I'll post more photos tomorrow.

The long awaited rainbow cake! I made over 3 feet of cake and it was gone within 2 hours! So much for left overs. I'll post the recipe and how-to on Wednesday.

I finished my wreath project and delivered it to it's owner. 
DIY instructions to come!

Cory and I went to PF Changs to celebrate 
and he much enjoyed his Kung-Pao chicken.

Not pictured:
- frenzied hanging of the show. We almost didn't make it.
- sweet friends who fed us dinner and let us collapse at their house
- wandering around Best Buy for an hour - Cory's idea of the perfect evening
- Honey, I shrunk the kids! Still a great movie.
- medicine in the cat's eye
- sleeping in, finally


Emily said...

I learned from this post that our husbands have more in common than I would have thought.

Other comments:

* That cake was a phenomenal, psychedelic confectionary experience.
* People were talking about your frames for days after the show.
* I continue to call Kevin the mock turtle. ;)

Thanks for a great evening! You + Cory = awesome.

Jenny said...

I've been waiting for you to post a picture of that cake! You're amazing, Erin. :)

The Ruse said...

My husband also finds a trip to Best Buy to be an exhilarating experience.

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