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Friday, November 12, 2010


We spent 3 and a half days in Sweden, and thoroughly enjoyed it.

The countryside was beautiful...

We stayed in Göteborg, but took a day trip to Jönköping to visit the John Bauer art museum (Cory is a huge fan).

Beautiful food and drink...

Of course, the design world in Sweden was simply fabulous. From gorgeous bowls...

Illustrated cookbooks...

Marimekko fabrics...

 Lovely flower markets...

Fantastic vintage clothing store...

I went in one home design store that was so amazing, it deserves it's own post, so look for that in the next week or so.

The clouds on the flight leaving Sweden were so beautiful, I had to snap a few photos...

Thanks for a great time, Sweden!

Sweden was a lot of fun, and I'd love to return someday. Stockholm would be a blast to see! The design here is really like nowhere else.

Food: B+

We had one amazing, magical meal in Sweden, and our hotel had a fantastic breakfast, but the rest of the food was not that great. Though, the service was good and the restaurants very nice.


Sweden had a rustic beauty to it. I loved being on the train and watching the drab landscape pass by, and then all of a sudden a village of brightly colored houses would flash by. I wish we had time to go further into the country, I'd have loved to see the forests more.


Everyone spoke excellent English, which was very helpful for us as we tried to navigate and get from city to city. The tram in Göteborg took us everywhere within the city. The only thing that was confusing about Sweden was the monetary system, we never did make much sense of it.


The people in Sweden were the nicest, friendliest, most welcoming people of any country we visited. When we first arrived in Göteborg, we got a little lost trying to find our hotel, and asked someone on the street for help. He told us which way to go, then asked where we where from. We said America, and he gasped. "USA???" "Yeah..." He flung his arms wide open and proclaimed with a huge grin, "Welcome to Sweden!" He then wanted to shake our hands, as did 5 other people who overheard the exchange. Needless to say, we felt quite welcome.

Want to see more photos from Sweden? Check out my FB album.


The Ruse said...

In case you're interested, you can buy that cranberry drink at World Market.

Erin said...

Thanks, that's good to know! I'd love to have some again.

ryan said...

Amazing party!!

mackyton said...

Glad to know about this country side event. Recently, arranged my best friend’s birthday dinner party at one of the amazing NYC venues. Hired a famous party caterer and they made delicious food for this event. Had great time there.

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