Friday, January 21, 2011

She & Him

I don't know where I have been, but I had no clue that the ever-adorable Zooey Deschanel was in a band until d*s posted about it. One peek of her latest music video was all it took, and I fell hard.  I am now a She & Him junkie... I purchased their 2 CD's immediately and have been listening to them non-stop.

She & Him - Don't Look Back from Merge Records on Vimeo.

 Download Volume 1 for $5, and Volume 2 for $7.99 from Amazon. 
(cheaper than iTunes!)


  1. Ah, yes! Some of our favorites. She is always adorable.

  2. LOVE THEM! Yeah, their music is as addictive as your cookies!!!! :)

    Was lucky enough to see them in concert twice, the first time they were a headliner and sounded great, second time, they opened for Swell Season and the sound was terrible. (My theory stands, headliners get the prime audio, opening acts get crapped on to not sound as good as the headliners)


Hello there! So nice to see you.