Monday, April 11, 2011

Weekend Glimpse

 In the dish, my favorite Easter candy, candy-coated malt eggs, often called "Robin's Eggs." Love these so much, it's a good thing they only sell them once a year. On the wood, a couple stone eggs, made from some kind of agate I think.

 Our peas are growing! I am very impatient for them.

 Lunch at our neighborhood burger joint... so very yummy.

James is fragile. And sleepy.

Not pictured:
- much frantic jewelry-making for Crafty Feast
- a nap, interrupted
- P. F. Changs!
- late night Target run
- summer weather... too hot already!
- sleeping in


  1. I'm bitterly jealous about your pea vines. When did you plant yours? I planted mine in late March and they are still just tiny shoots.

  2. I think we planted the peas the beginning of March. We had such a mild winter here, we were able to get an early start. Though I do need them to hurry it up so I can pull them out for my summer crop!


Hello there! So nice to see you.