Monday, June 13, 2011

Weekend Glimpse

What a great, fun-filled weekend! I'll post a separate recap of the fabulous Etsy Craft Party, but here's a look at a few other happenings in my life.

Annie and I went to Marshall's HomeGoods and I scored these gorgeous vintage-style hobnail cake pedestals, some garden clippers, a lovely glass cloche, and a hot new dress. She got an amazing cedar lounge chair that we were unable to fit in her car, though it was quite hilarious to see us try.

Some much needed weeding, trimming, and planting was accomplished with the help of Montreal. I am so very late putting my tomatoes in, they'll probably be producing in November.

Chicken tacos! Yay!

Not pictured:
- watching and rewatching of our new favorite show, The IT Crowd
- IBC Root Beer
- stamping messages onto cookies
- swimming quick before the storm came
- cleaning the house only to destroy it
- perfect vintage rhinestone earring, $4!
- doughnuts
- wallpaper dilemma solved, I chose this one.


Hello there! So nice to see you.