I made about a million ravioli (with my mom's help). I created 3 new recipes for this batch, and will be sharing them next week (2 of them that is, 1 still needs perfecting).
Some spoils from the farmer's market... some crazy-looking beans ("October beans," says the craggly-toothed farmer), brown speckled eggs, and as many little white pumpkins as would fit in my bag.
Heather and I had a fabulous girls night out on the town, which included quesadillas, a dance show, main street strolling, apple fritters, and lots of gabbing and giggling.
Not pictured:
- flour, in my kitchen, everywhere
- aprons
- a gigantic white button mum
- cheese shopping
- boots. I want them all.
- Trader Joe's
- italian feast with friends, next up.
Ooo! Please do share your ravioli recipe! I need to make some asap.