Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Be Good & Buy Handmade

I just love this little reminder from Indie Craft Parade!
The "be good & buy handmade" phrase was coined by the amazing Micah Coston, and the lovely graphic created by my very own Cory Godbey.

We want people to remember artists and makers this time of year, so feel free to share, reblog, or print this for your own personal use. Get the file at the Indie Craft Parade blog!


  1. I tell you what......
    that Micah;-) And what a beautifully done job by your husband.

    (Micah's brother Caleb was in our wedding)

  2. What a small world! Micah sure is a sweetheart, I'm sure his brother is too.

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Hello there! So nice to see you.