Monday, April 30, 2012

April Glimpse

April was a rush of days, flying by faster then ever.

I've spent a lot of time snuggling my darling niece and trying to steal her.

Some favorite things of the month...

I could listen to this forever.

A long-lost friend returns.

Then there were fresh strawberries and cat naps, though not necessarily together.

Heather spent her last couple days in Greenville with me, snuggling Pearl and letting her sweet Elsa steal my hubby's heart.

Then it was time for the final farewell and the trek to Chicago. I went with her to help her settle in and to delay saying goodbye for as long as possible.

At the new place. 
We unpacked the whole house in about 2 days and got it mostly set up.
Not much sleep.

We, of course, did make a pilgrimage to Ikea.

Then it was back home and a flurry of getting ready for the show this past Saturday.

Perhaps May will be a better month for blogging?
 Or maybe next year. ;-)

Not pictured:
- raspberry balsamic vinegar
- naps
- feeling the urge to travel
- mint green polish on my toes
- early birthday present from Cory, an iPod touch! (I'm one of the few remaining people in the world without an iPhone, so this was very exciting for me)
- new mailbox
- beach dreaming
- obsessed with French pop music
- maxi dresses
- abandoning the garden
- dear friends, helping
- some organization, never enough
- tearful goodbyes

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